BIG IDEA: Communication
The term "communication" comes from the Latin word "communis," meaning common, public or general. Communication is the process of making something common. We are able to exchange information through language -- systems of symbols, signs, and/or behaviors. In this course we learned how to and use materials and tools safely and responsibly; learned a variety of printmaking techniques; engaged in visual notetaking; discussed what visual language is and how art is used to communicate; discussed the connections between graphics & print media, the "lifespan" of an artwork, and the mass production of art; examined and analyzed how graphics and print media have and continue to communicate through examples from a variety of societal, cultural, and historical contexts; and researched how artists create works of art that effectively or do not effectively communicate.
Throughout this project, students examined the intersections of mass media & communication, contemporary & historical art, technology & social media, and current life. They designed and created prints based on collaboratively-produced enabling constraints.
Reduction prints
In their exploration of reduction printmaking, students created work by transforming an iconic image or symbol in a way that changes its meaning. After discussing what "iconic" means in regards to the past and the globally-connected present, the class collectively agreed "iconic" could include anything "widely known and acknowledged within a community."
To see examples of more student work, check out the virtual exhibition!